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Admissions Information

We admit 30 pupils per year group.

If you would like your child or children to attend then please contact us to make an appointment to view the School.

If you are transferring your child mid-year you will need to complete an in-year transfer request form.

 Mid-year transfer request form (click to download).

Annual admissions process (Children due to start in Reception).

The co-ordinated admissions scheme is a process for children starting in Reception class. It is a national scheme that applies to all non fee-paying schools in all Council areas. It is designed to make the admissions process simpler and fairer for parents because it means that you can apply for a place at any infant school on a single online form.

These schools can be in Sandwell or in a neighbouring LA such as Birmingham, Dudley, Walsall or Wolverhampton. All parents/carers will receive only one offer of a place. Parents can apply online for a Reception place in September. A place at a school will then be offered the following April.

Please refer to the Sandwell Council admissions site for further information:

Sandwell Admissions.

Our admissions priorities are as follows:

1. Children who are in public care and children who were previously in public care but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).

2. Children with a particular medical condition. Applications submitted under this criterion must be accompanied by a medical declaration form (ASU75M) signed by the child’s general practitioner or consultant confirming the condition, detailing the child’s needs and specifying why, in their opinion, the preferred school is the only or most appropriate to meet the child’s needs. All applications under this criterion will be assessed by the local authority to decide whether the child’s needs can be met most appropriately by the preferred school.

3. (a) Children having a brother or sister at the preferred school (not nursery) at the time of admission. (b) For admissions to infant schools, children having a brother or sister at the preferred school or at a linked junior school at the time of admission. (c) For admissions to junior schools, children having a brother or sister at the preferred school or at a linked infant school (not nursery) at the time of admission.

4. Children prioritised by distance measured in a straight line from a child’s home* to the school’s main entrance (as determined by the head teacher). In all cases, should the number of applicants exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated on the basis of distance between home and school, as measured in a straight line from home to the main entrance to the school with priority being given to those living closest to the school.

King George V Primary School

NB. Children with a Statement of Educational Needs or a Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP)(previously known as Statement of Educational Needs), naming a particular school will be admitted before all other applicants.


* Measured from the ordnance survey address point for the property. In all cases, should the number of applicants exceed the number of places available, places will be allocated on the basis of distance between home and school, as measured in a straight line from home to the main entrance to the school building with priority being given to those living closest to the preferred school.