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Trips and Visits

West Bromwich Library Visits

 Every half term, each class makes a visit to West Bromwich Library. This allows our children the time and opportunity to choose from a different range of children's books and select a book that they want to borrow. They also have the time to enjoy listening to an age-appropriate story and get lost in the magic of reading!

STEM Workshop

In 2023, The Defence Nuclear Enterprise launched their EKO program with the intention to provide students with a fun, educational experience with the aim of encouraging wider participation in STEM subjects.
This program also aims to create a greater awareness of career opportunities that are aligned to STEM, some of which they may not even be aware of.
Year 3-6 pupils took part in the EKO Robotics Challenge delivered by Hyett Education, where they built and coded robots to complete a range of missions linked to various STEM themes. The challenges encouraged teamwork, problem-solving, creative thinking and coding/cyber skills.
Children thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and were engaged throughout the session.

Frank Chapman

Residential visit 2024

 We visited the Frank Chapman Centre in June 2024. The children really enjoyed participating in activities that they wouldn't normally do, such as climbing, mountain biking, orienteering and bushcraft. Some of our children experienced riding a bike for the first time!

Walk a Mile

in june 2023