Safeguarding Overview
King George V Primary School Safeguarding Statement
Our Safeguarding Team:
Miss S Penny – Designated safeguarding lead (DSL) Head Teacher
Miss R Foley - Deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL), Deputy Headteacher
Mrs A Rai - Deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL), Family Support Worker
Mrs S Fletcher - Deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL), SENCo
Mrs L Reed – Safeguarding Governor / Chair of Governors
King George V Primary School is committed to keeping our children safe.
By providing a safe environment for children to learn and play and by identifying children who are, or may be suffering harm. The school endeavour to ensure the children are kept safe in all environments.
To achieve this, we have systems in place which are designated to:
- Create and maintain a safe learning environment
- Identify child welfare concerns and taking appropriate action
- Use the curriculum to enable our children to develop keep safe strategies
- Create a listening culture to hear the child’s voice
- Operate safe recruitment and selection procedures to prevent unsuitable people working
with our children
Anyone visiting the school shares the responsibility to keep our children safe whilst on our premises and will be required to work within the guidelines of our safeguarding procedures. If at anytime you have concerns about the welfare of a child, Miss Penny, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, should be contacted.
For more information, please ask to see our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which is part of a set of policies designed to create a safe environment for our children. All of these policies are available on request or can be found in the Safeguarding section of our website.