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Class 6 Blog

It’s half term already!  How did that happen?

Our seven weeks of learning have absolutely flown by in Autumn 1.  Well done for the amazing narratives you have been writing about Kensuke’s Kingdom and The Firework Maker’s Daughter.  We are gradually improving the use of the lenses in our writing and are beginning to plan our own ideas very carefully and then edit and redraft our writing.

Our greatest area for development in writing (and this can be achieved very quickly) is the presentation of our learning.  We have one person writing with a handwriting pen (Well done Zaara) but we really need to improve this part of our learning quickly.  It’s linked to our school value of ‘Pride’ and shows that you care what other people think of your efforts.

In maths we have been recapping important basic skills from Years 4 and 5 such as place value, ordering and negative numbers and we are now moving into the meaty stuff – long multiplication and long division 😊 It is so important that you know your times tables inside out and back to front.  When we practised an assessment task this week, we found that many of us simply ran out of time.  I know that some of you will be visiting the ICT suite at lunchtime to keep those times tables skills bubbling and that is great to see.

We’ve been really enjoying hockey and personal fitness in P.E. and also making sure we stay safe online in our Computing lessons.  Well done everyone.

Don’t forget that we should be reading a quality text every night.  You should certainly be taking home your class reading book each day and at the weekend.  Our bookshelf is full of interesting and engaging texts that I know you will love once you give them a go.  Please make sure you are continuing to practise this important life skill at home.

Finally, have a restful half term.  Look after your siblings, be kind and respectful to your parents and I will see you on the 31st October – Happy Halloween 😊

Mr Ogden