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Year 4 Class Blog

This term has been amazing in Class Four, we have learned so much and are really excited about what we are learning. We worked really hard to develop a Growth Mindset and agree on our classroom rules, which are based on mutual respect and our school values.

 In writing we have written innovative adventure stories based on ‘The Great Chocoplot’ and Class Four have had some phenomenal ideas wherein instead of chocolate, all of the world’s doughnuts or ice cream disappeared. There were some great examples of writing lenses, and some fabulous vocabulary- Mr. Pincher has been consistently blown away by the creativity and effort students are putting into their work.

Maths has been focussed on place value, where we have begun working with four and five-digit numbers; the class have been great at ordering, comparing and partitioning numbers and display a great attitude to arithmetic and problem solving. We have been spending quite a bit of time focussing on our times tables, especially on TTRS, to help when we take our times table test at the end of the year. We are all making great progress and managed to win the trophy for greatest class improvement.

We have really enjoyed our reading lessons and have really focussed on developing our core reading skills- the VIPERS and we have looked at an array of interesting sources from song lyrics, images or even short animated films. The class are happy to contribute ideas of what we can explore, especially on our daily skill drills and are developing into amazing readers.

Science has been really interesting as we delve into the topic: Animals, including Humans. Children have been genuinely engaged and displayed great enthusiasm for learning about various parts and functions of our digestive system. Mr. Pincher was really impressed by the maturity of Class Four as they use scientific vocabulary appropriately. Next half-term we will be moving onto ‘States of Matter’, which appears to be a topic that the class are keenly interested in. 

In Geography we have been studying The Americas, developing our compass and atlas skills and identifying key features of both North and South America. The children were really engaged with identifying the difference between states, cities and countries and displayed some awesome map reading skills when locating famous cities and landmarks. Our final project is designing a fact file for one of the key cities along the famous Route 66 in North America- Mr. Pincher think the class will create some wonderful work we can share with parents at Parents Evening.

We have also enjoyed our Art and RE lessons, we are working on developing a self-portrait in the style of Gainsborough and discussing our impressions of artist’s work such as Sonia Boyce. The class were so eloquent when discussing what they thought of work and trying to employ this in their own images.

Mr. Pincher looks forward to another half term where Class Four continue to show themselves to be fantastic pupils who are enthusiastic to learn.

Mr Pincher