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Our Pupils

What do you think makes a really good teacher?

My favourite teacher makes our lessons funny, he encourages us to do our best and he makes learning fun.

They’re able to take a subject and put their twist on it to make it fun and exciting but also easy so that people can understand.  My favourite teacher gives great advice and he’s funny!  He’s able to describe things so that everyone understands.

How has the teaching changed over the last couple of years?

Now we do retrieval practice and we do skill drills as well and we go into greater depth in our writing.  Also we have a new uniform with white tops and a lighter blue cardigan.  I prefer the new uniform because it’s brighter!

Different policies have been changed and advanced teaching gets the most out of pupils.  We have different school rules and we have school mottos like ‘keep trying hard’.  Teaching has changed, so now we do retrieval practice and we do sentence stacking where we have a text and then we have to try and change the words in that text and put our own lens on it.

How would you describe your school now?

We get to do fun lessons, and we have funny teachers!  All the people look joyful to come to school, they don’t look sad.


The community is really supportive and friendly and the teachers encourage you to do your best in every lesson.  My favourite after school club is maths club because they help you if it’s one of your weak points and they make you more confident.


I would say that the teachers explain the work really well and sometimes make jokes out of it so they can make it easy for you.


I think [the best part of school is] the lessons and how the teachers make you feel comfortable about where you are with them.  I like how happy and joyful the vibe in the classroom is and how people don’t feel like they can’t put their hand up in case people don’t like the answer you give.


I like Maths lessons because we have lots of different challenges and it helps me get smarter and smarter!


KGV is a safe place for me and my friends to have fun and learn.


All of the teachers believe in me and help me to do the best I can.


Everyone is kind, shares with each other and we all play nicely together. I love coming to KGV.


I like that my handwriting and presentation gets neater every year. It makes me proud of myself and what I have achieved.


School is fun and I enjoy spending time with my friends and learning lots of new things every day!


I enjoy learning instruments and having the opportunity to be creative.


Our lessons are interesting! I love History and Geography because I gain knowledge I didn’t know before.


Science lessons are fun and practical and we learn new skills!


All of our teachers are kind and help us to learn and achieve.


We get to learn new skills in Enrichment on a Friday, including singing, business enterprise, drumming and cookery.

What words would you use to sum up King George V Primary School?