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GSO Test

Religious Education (RE)

Subject Expectations: Religious Education (RE)                        

Subject Lead:  Miss R Foley

How often and when is the subject taught?

RE sessions are formally taught for 1 hour each week by class teachers or sometimes during a teacher’s PPA time in which case it is delivered by HLTAs.

Who teaches the subject?

Staff throughout the school teach the subject within cross curricular activities during all lessons.

How is the subject taught?

RE is taught in accordance with the agreed Sandwell syllabus. RE is taught in a variety of ways including class-based discussions, through practical activities, circle time, through stories relevant to the subject and with a particular focus during significant times of the year such as Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Eid.

How is the subject assessed/marked?

The school’s marking policy is used.

How is the subject planned for? (Short/Medium/Long term planning)

RE is planned by class teachers following the Sandwell agreed syllabus scheme of work.

Cross Curricular Learning and Current Events Evidence

RE is incorporated during discussions where possible or relevant.