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GSO Test


Subject Expectations: Physical, Social and Health Education (PSHE)               

Subject Lead:  Mr P Ogden

How often and when is the subject taught?

Timetabled to be delivered every week for 45 minutes but is embedded into daily practise and routines.

Who teaches the subject?

Class teachers deliver planned lessons but SEAL/SMSC is a subject that is an integral part of our whole curriculum offer

How is the subject recorded? (Which book? Photographs? How is it evidenced?)

Each class has a PSHE book where evidence of work, including written outcomes and photographic evidence are presented. Where written recorded work is not appropriate, class PSHE scrapbooks are used to collect and showcase evidence.

How is the subject taught?

Through discussion, drama, art work, written work, group and individual work.

How is the subject assessed/marked?

The school Marking Policy is followed and planning is annotated for each session.

How is the subject planned for? (Short/Medium/Long term planning)

The ‘Votes For Schools’ weekly planning and resources are followed, focussing on topical key questions which children meaningfully engage with before casting a vote. The ‘JIGSAW’ scheme of work is also used and delivered in all classes. Staff follow the planning and differentiate and annotate where needed to make it accessible for the needs of all children. 

How is work for the subject displayed?

Each class has a curriculum display which incorporates work from PSHE. Also, displays around the school, including British Values and School Parliament.

Resourcing (What/Where is it stored?)

Resources can be found online through our subscription to the JIGSAW curriculum and in the School Annex. Additional resources can be found in individual classrooms.

Cross Curricular Learning and Current Events Evidence

PSHE is taught through many subjects. It lends itself to all curriculum areas especially R.E, English, Drama and Art.

Subject specific information

Children are taught how to deal with their emotions, and similarities and differences, from a very early age, running from Nursery to Y6. It is evident that they are taught how to be respectful and kind. All adults contribute to PSHE and themed days are part of this whole school learning.