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Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Subject Expectations: Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)        

Subject Lead:  Miss L Long

How often and when is the subject taught?

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) is taught weekly by our Languages Specialist (HLTA) to Key Stage 2 pupils only. Class Teachers observe and participate in these sessions as part of their own continuous professional development. Each MFL Lesson lasts for one hour. Teachers also try to incorporate MFL cross-curricular whenever possible, e.g. singing songs in Spanish during music, making Spanish Christmas and Easter cards and exploring Spanish Art.

Who teaches the subject?

Our Language Specialist HLTA is responsible for the planning, preparation, delivery and assessment of MFL. The curriculum leader then monitors the subject and completes informal observations.

How is the subject recorded? (Which book? Photographs? How is it evidenced?)

Each child in KS2 has an MFL book where all evidence is stored. Planning is annotated for each lesson and clearly states how children performed, and show AfL which was used prior to and within the lesson. Pupil books also show children’s work (differentiated) and also photographic evidence showing a range of different learning styles used to teach the lessons.

How is the subject taught?

    A progressive, knowledge and skills-based scheme of work for teaching Spanish is followed. Staff are able to adapt the scheme of work and add their own ideas to the learning journeys. Staff ensure all targets are being met and use a range of different leaning styles and strategies to allow this to happen. Occasionally, homework is set to ensure children are continuing to learn Spanish at home as well as school.

How is the subject assessed/marked?

MFL is being assessed using Language Angels assessment tracking system. Each teacher has a copy of the targets for their specific year group. Our Languages Specialist uses this statement sheet to assess the children on a regular basis and tick off the statements that the children can achieve. The Curriculum Lead then monitors the data on a termly basis.

How is the subject planned for? (Short/Medium/Long term planning)

Spanish follows the a scheme of work which gives a long term, medium term and short plans. Staff use this to inform them what they should be teaching each term. If the unit is not completed in the allocated time, staff then continue with this during the next half term to ensure that all content is covered. Staff include short and medium term plans in their planning folder which is then monitored by the Curriculum Lead.

How is work for the subject displayed?

Each class in KS2 has a Spanish display within the classroom. These displays have key words and tips to help the children during their French lessons. Teachers also display examples of childrens’ work using a particular Spanish target. A KS2 progression in Spanish in the corridors of school also showcase pupils’ work and achievements.

The work children complete in class is presented in their individual MFL books.

Resourcing (What/Where is it stored?)

All Spanish resources are currently stored in our Language Specialist’s resource cupboard. The Spanish scheme of work is located on SharePoint for all staff to access.

What homework is set?

Homework is not formally set for MFL. However, where appropriate, homework is occasionally set and may include interactive games linked to the current unit of work being taught or vocabulary practise.

Cross Curricular Learning and Current Events Evidence

There is lots of evidence of cross curricular learning in Spanish. Spanish is taught through Art – looking at different artists, painting and drawing pictures of landmarks. Spanish is also taught through Music – singing songs in Spanish. Children have also applied their Spanish knowledge to ICT lessons.

Subject specific information

Sandwell MFL hub meetings are attended by the subject lead to share good practice.