Head Teacher’s Welcome
Welcome to King George V Primary School
It is with absolute pleasure and pride that I welcome you to our website and introduce our small community primary school, where care and ambition for every pupil is at the heart of all we do.
Here at King George V Primary School, our staff pride themselves on knowing all children and families well, enabling us to best meet every child’s learning and pastoral needs. Equipped with a wealth of knowledge about child development and how children learn, our team strive to ensure that every child succeeds in fulfilling their academic potential whilst also helping them to develop as future global citizens.
At King George V we offer a carefully crafted, broad, balanced and challenging curriculum which equips children with the key knowledge and skills required in readiness for their next stage of learning, whilst also immersing them in a wide range of creative learning and life experiences. We focus on embedding long term knowledge and skills by creating opportunities for application in different contexts and over periods of time throughout school life.
At King George V, we nurture a strong sense of belonging in our pupils and provide many opportunities for pupils to engage with the local community. We pride ourselves on our bespoke enrichment programme, whereby children have opportunities to try a wide range of activities and develop broader skills such as gardening, cooking, playing an instrument and business enterprise, to name just a few. Our children develop these life skills whilst working towards an outcome which supports our local community. This includes singing in local homes for the elderly, setting up social enterprise businesses to fundraise for local charities and public performances.
Personal development at King George V is of huge importance and standards of behaviour are high. Our comprehensive PHSE curriculum is supplemented with a calm and consistent approach to managing pupils’ behaviour. We believe that the discussions and reflections around behaviour choices are important for encouraging awareness, ownership and responsibility, whilst developing the holistic child.
School leaders and governors are forward-thinking and invest heavily in continuous staff development and commit to ensuring that we deliver cutting edge approaches to teaching and learning in order to provide our children with the highest success rate. We also prioritise staff wellbeing and believe that a team who are happy, well cared for and valued are best equipped to meet the needs of our children.
Our vibrant school environment supports our vision for an aspirational learning experience for our children. Recent developments and renovations include: a clearly defined and enhanced playground, a new nurture room, a new sensory room and newly replenished library stock. We would encourage you to visit our gallery to see some of the recent developments we are most proud of!
I hope you enjoy browsing our website. Please take some time to read the helpful comments that others have made about our school.
If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be very happy to speak to you. Likewise, we warmly welcome visits to our school so you can see what we do first-hand.
Miss S. Penny
Head Teacher