Subject Expectations: Geography
Subject Lead: Miss G Cowley
How often and when is the subject taught?
The subject is taught discretely each week in blocks which alternate half termly with History.
Who teaches the subject?
Class teachers and some HLTAs teach topic on PPA or management cover time.
How is the subject recorded? (Which book? Photographs? How is it evidenced?)
Work is recorded in the Humanities books, displays in classrooms and in iPad data on the system. There is a folder of work kept for each class.
How is the subject taught?
There are a mixture of practical and theory lessons. The local area and school grounds are used to help teach weather/ local geography and mapping and orienteering skills.
How is the subject assessed/marked?
Work in books is marked according to the school Marking Policy. Teachers assess against the Learning Objectives specified on our whole school Geography curriculum map. At the end of each unit of work, pupils complete an application task which is assessed by Class Teachers. At the end of each unit of work, teachers assess pupils attainment, identifying pupils Working Towards ARE, Working at ARE and Working at Greater Depth.
How is the subject planned for? (Short/Medium/Long term planning)
There is long term planning for the school and Target Tracker objectives are used to ensure that there is full coverage over the year. Each lesson has a Learning Objective and is matched to a Target Tracker objective.
How is work for the subject displayed?
Classes will have a display in the classroom or corridor when the topic is Geography based.
Resourcing (What/Where is it stored?)
There are a range of atlases, compasses and local area maps/ guides etc. which are used to support Geography learning. These are stored in the Learning Room.
What homework is set?
Geography has no set homework however the half termly learning projects usually have a geography theme for at least one of the set pieces of work.
Cross Curricular Learning and Current Events Evidence
Teachers plan exciting starts to their topic and/or link to educational visits; for example Year 2 had an adventure when they pretended to travel to the Arctic for a cold place in their weather topic and took a passport with them to have stamped as activities were completed. Year 2 also visit Cadbury World to look at the journey of the cocoa bean. Year 1 and Year 3 visit the local area. Trips to outdoor residential centres also have orienteering and Geography tasks, including Year 5/6 visits to Frank Chapman Outdoor Education Centre and Plas Gwynant Outdoor Education Centre.
Subject specific information
As much as possible, cross curriculum links to Geography have been encouraged as well as blocking similar objectives together to ensure that these are taught and the children gain the life skills of understanding the world in which they live.