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Art & Design

Subject Expectations: Art

How often and when is the subject taught?

The subject is taught discretely each week in blocks which alternate with Design and Technology.

Who teaches the subject?

Class teachers deliver Art

How is the subject recorded? (Which book? Photographs? How is it evidenced?)

The subject is recorded in Art sketchbooks which follow pupils through their time at school. Photo evidence is also used when Art is completed across the curriculum.

How is the subject taught?

Weekly linked to the current class theme and in other subjects in a cross-curricular way:

KS2- Follow this structure:-

1- Evaluate Existing work

2- Practise constructing

3- Design

4- Make

5- Evaluate


1- Plan/design

2- Make

3- Evaluate

How is the subject assessed/marked?

Teachers assess against the Learning Objectives specified on our whole school Art curriculum map. At the end of each unit of work, teachers assess pupils attainment, identifying pupils Working Towards ARE, Working at ARE and Working at Greater Depth. Marking adheres to the school’s marking policy.

How is the subject planned for? (Short/Medium/Long term planning)

Long and Medium term planning is used.

How is work for the subject displayed?

Displays in classrooms and throughout the school.

Resourcing (What/Where is it stored?)

Art resources are stored in the art cupboard. Some resources may also be stored in classroom.

Additional resources which are specific to particular activities are purchased on request.

Natural resources are also an asset to the subject allowing children be creative and independent.

What homework is set?

Homework is set via extended pieces of work which feed into theme home learning projects, giving opportunities for children to explore artistic ways of expressing themselves.

Cross Curricular Learning and Current Events Evidence

Cross curricular links are made as a matter of course, this work is evidenced in subject specific books and/or displays.

Subject specific information

Art is taught weekly and in blocks which alternate with Design and Technology. Art is also taught on a cross-curricular basis throughout other subjects.

Art is inclusive for all children.  It is a skill-based subject which is built upon as the child progresses throughout the school

e.g.  printing starts at a basic level in Year 1 using potatoes and becomes more intricate as the children move through Key Stage 2 culminating in the carving of printing stencils.

The teaching of Art also allows children to develop a knowledge of art from different cultures and artists throughout time.